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The Initial Update
The website is in a preliminary state at this point.
Eventually, it will be made into something completely
usable by the WEBMASTER.
However until then, this should be usable.


Usta Çöpçü: Beyaz Celladın Son Sınavı

A story I wrote originally in 2017, after my best friend in the school left for another school. It is heavily influenced by Ace Attorney and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, taking huge cues from other franchises, also.

So basically, the evil Geography teacher Mr. Demiryürek wants to jail both Muhammed Ersoy and Sarp Kepenekoğlu in his special High School Jail. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, if it does sound ridiculous when I have accomplished what I originally set out to do.

Currently doesn't have an English translation, but I am (slowly) working on it.

Also, there will be two other prequels set in the same universe! So look out for that too.

ODT File

Sonic Ekibi'nin Son Günü

Oh boy. I have no idea where to start.

Basically, my evil other self with hyperrealistic bleeding eyes named berdan666 takes over Sonic Ekibi (the group where I was a part of most of my life) and then kills everyone in there in needlessly brutal ways. (omg, how creative right????? definitely not a sonic.exe ripoff!!!!)

It kinda has an English translation, but its a lazy hackjob made with a translator just to show my foreign friends. I will post an actual translation soon, I believe.

DOCX File (More readable because I removed all the Zalgo-like text from it)