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The Initial Update
The website is in a preliminary state at this point.
Eventually, it will be made into something completely
usable by the WEBMASTER.
However until then, this should be usable.



I am berdan0! The WEBMASTER.
And you are in Uncontrollable Consequences,
biggest project! (so far.)

So, you might be asking... Who exactly are you?
I am nobody, really!
Just another translator, looking for a chance to make it big.
And to make it big, I am currently a student at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, studying English Translation and Interpretation. A really fun department, I tell ya!
But honestly, to be frank? Translation is not the only thing I am interested in.
I am also an artist, as you can probably tell! And a musician... And a programmer... (A really bad one at that!) And a small-scale game developer! (If you count making dumb RPG Maker games a part of game dev experience...)

I've done several things that I want to list here throughout my life.
My first "serious" book was the Usta Çöpçü series. I originally started the series to poke fun at my best friend in school.
But that "poking fun" thing came to an end once I decided that I was gonna end the series.
My friend had left the school, and I didn't have a reason to keep on going...
But in the end I decided to elevate the universe of the series to be my main universe, and here we are today!
These silly books aren't the only things I wanna put here, though... I also do games! Or rather, generally I just do art for them.
You can check out my account!
It's not a full representation of what I did for the game industry, but hey, I'd say it's a start!
In terms of art... You can check out my Artstation account, but to be frank, I plan on posting everything there here too and even present it in a better way! So by the time you may be reading this, you may not even need to check out my Artstation account at all!
I also do music, as I've said. You can look at my Youtube account as a sample!

To sum it up... I see life as a whole cake, and I plan on taking all the slices of it for myself! Sorry!

Want to contact me?
You can do so through my email:
You can also contact me by my social media accounts:

Twitter (X)

All in all, I can't wait to show the world (you guys) what I've been doing so far, and will do!

See you around!

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